Everyone enjoyed our Second Annual Holy Humor Sunday Worship Service.
[rev_slider humor]
Amid the laughter and celebration of this day, it’s good that we pause and remember that many carry burdens that need not be carried alone.
God of grace, God of love and laughter, we thank you that we are so wondrously created and that we are made for relationship with you and with one another. We thank you for laughter with friends and loved ones. We thank you for the laughter of children, and the song it creates in our hearts.
By your great unending love, you inspire in us a spirit of imagination and creativity. Help us to use that spirit to play more, to laugh more, and to create beauty in every way possible. Remind us to laugh out loud, for doing so will heal some of the wounds within us. Not all, but some.
God, we pray for those who cannot find their laughter today. For those who are grieving, or suffering illness of body, mind or spirit…for those who are lonely and in need of someone to share their time and friendship… for those who have not yet moved into the season and spirit of Easter and find themselves stuck in the gloom of Good Friday.
May these and the troubles of all your people be soothed, blessed, and comforted by your holy presence. May we each find the laughter within us that sets our spirits free, and in that freedom, may we take your love into every part of our lives. These and all the prayers of our hearts we offer now in the name of Jesus, our Risen Savior. Amen.