Broad Brook Congregational Church has been using Hymns for a Pilgrim People. Hymnals were purchased with the Phyllis Bushnell, Anna P. Porter Memorial Funds and funds donated from individuals in honor of or in memory of loved ones.
We were not able to purchase all of the hymnals to fill our church pews. We have purchased sixty-five more to complete our project. Please help us pay for the remaining number in memory of or in honor of loved ones. Each hymnal will cost $20.00. To donate a hymnal to the church, please click this link to print a donation form and to provide the information for the front inside cover donation plate. Send your form and a check for $20.00 payable to BBCC indicating “hymnal fund” in the memo.
Donation Form.
You may also click the Paypal button below to make your donation electronically. Please include your instructions in the memo space.
Thank you for your generosity.