Making a donation as a wonderful way to remember a special anniversary, to say “thank you,” celebrate a special event, or to make a donation in memory of a special loved one or a friend who has passed away.
Please click here to print out Cut-A-Coupon form and check the appropriate boxes to tell us where you would like your donation to go.
You can donate to specific things such as:
Building Maintenance………………………
The Music Committee……………………………
Kitchen & Cleaning Supplies………………..
Office Supplies………………………………
Sunday School……………………………….
Coffee Hour………………………………….
Historian (storage containers)……………….
Other (Please Specify)………………………
(Please make check payable to Broad Brook Congregational Church)
Send your request to:
Board of Trustees
Broad Brook Congregational Church
P.O. Box 466
Broad Brook, CT 06016
OR - Click our donate button here and add your instructions.